Your Type - ISTP

Thinking with
Extraverted Sensing


Inclined to focus on their inner thoughts and ideas, ISTPs often prefer to work on their own, free from the distraction of other people. Focusing on observable facts and hard data, they view life from an objective, pragmatic, and quietly intellectual point of view. Quietly curious, and introspective, they use their Sensing function directly to perceive the world 'as it is'. Approaching tasks in a realistic, factual and down-to-earth way, they have little interest in abstract theoretical ideas, unless these have clear practical applications. Logical, analytical and critical, they enjoy finding practical solutions to real-world problems. Enjoying variety and change, they are not inclined to be rule bound, rigid or dogmatic, and may actively resist rules that 'do not make sense'. Open to new ideas, they do not needlessly cling to traditional, tried-and-tested methods. Being solution focused realists, they are likely to enjoy trouble-shooting, focusing on achieving tangible results, rather than being overly concerned to meet colleagues' personal needs.


Being orientated towards the Introverted domain of thoughts and ideas, ISTPs may sometimes need to be drawn out when in the company of others. Deep and thoughtful, they may resist being the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to sit back and reflect on what others are saying before contributing to a debate or discussion. Flexible and free-thinking, they will be open to alternative points of view, which they will critically examine in a logical, objective manner. Goal directed, and solution focused, they will wish to achieve results with a minimum of discussion and fuss. Given their Introverted focus of attention, they are likely to feel most at ease when working with known facts and hard data, rather than when managing interpersonal relationships. Private, self-sufficient individuals, who tend to keep their inner-most thoughts and feelings to themselves, others may take a while to warm to them. Thus ISTPs may be more comfortable communicating in writing, rather than participating in group discussions or debates.


Logical and analytical, ISTPs are known for their realistic, pragmatic approach to solving problems. Not inclined to engage in abstract debate, or flights of fancy, they tend to reject the purely theoretical in favour of concentrating on the known facts in a given situation. Solution focused and goal directed, they are more interested in directly perceiving how things work, rather than understanding why they work. However, their pragmatic realism does not cause them to be closed minded or dogmatic, with them being open to new methods and ideas ­ particularly when they can see the practical advantages of adopting new approaches. Focusing on the 'broader picture', they may not always see the point of closely adhering to set procedures and systems. Similarly, attending to the detailed requirements of a task may not come naturally to them. They will generally prefer to learn about a subject by reading, or through private study, rather than by engaging in lively informed debate or discussion.


Colleagues will value their objective, down-to-earth realism. Moreover, they will be known for always giving others a 'fair hearing', with ISTPs listening to others¹ arguments and using their Thinking function to evaluate them in a critical but objective manner. Thus they will be viewed as fair-minded, impartial and objective. However, people who are, on the surface, more emotional than them may sometimes have difficulty understanding their tendency to evaluate situations in a cool, logical and analytical manner. Being quiet observers of life they will be seen as Œdeep¹, and others may sometimes have difficulty perceiving what ISTPs really feel about other people, events or situations. Avoiding dogmatism, they will be seen as independent and self-reliant, yet open to new ideas. While some colleagues may see them as being a little shy, reserved or even somewhat aloof, this is to misunderstand their private, inner-directed nature, and resultant tendency to focus on their own thoughts and ideass.