Your Type - INFJ

Intuiting with
Extraverted Feeling


With their preference for Feeling, INFJs are quietly perceptive, emotionally deep, individuals. However, being inner directed, and inclined to focus on their own abstract thoughts and ideas, they may keep their great interpersonal warmth hidden from those they do not know well. Idealistic and introspective, they focus on the deeper hidden patterns and meanings behind surface forms and structures. However, being sensitive to othersĀ¹ needs, they do not approach life in an unduly cool, analytical or distant way. Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility, they believe it is important to adhere closely to established methods and procedures. Inclined to focus on the fundamental principles underlying a task, they will attend closely to detail, and be committed to complete tasks on schedule and to the required standard. While they approach problems in a theoretical and abstract way, their empathic concern for others enables them to keep a human perspective on events.


Orientated towards the Introverted world of abstract concepts and ideas, INFJs may sometimes need to be drawn out in social settings. Thoughtful and considerate, they may not be the first to put forward their own ideas, preferring instead to consider the deeper theoretical issues before contributing to a debate or discussion. Enjoying working with fundamental principles and theoretical concepts, they will be most comfortable when discussing their ideas with a small group of like minded colleagues. Averse to conflict and discord, they will work to resolve disagreements by actively seeking compromise and consensus. When working in teams they will wish to have a well defined role and clearly defined goals. Disinclined to discuss their deeply held values and ideals with people they do not know well, those around them may not always fully appreciate the true depth of their feelings. Dependable, reliable and egalitarian in nature, they will be committed to working for the common good.


Although they are inclined to approach problems from an abstract, theoretical perspective, their Feeling function means that INFJs maintain a strong awareness of the interpersonal dimensions of the task. More interested in understanding why things work, rather than simply perceiving how they work, they use their Intuition to look beyond the superficial facts in a given situation in search of deeper principles and truths. Thus, they approach real-world practical, problems by first attempting to understand the theoretical principles that govern the problem at hand. Approaching tasks in a clear, orderly and methodical way, they will not lose sight of the detailed aspects of the task. Attuned to the feelings of others, they will be sensitive to the impact their actions will have upon those around them. Organising abstract, logical arguments in an orderly, systematic manner, they may be at their best when communicating on a one-to-one basis, with supportive colleagues who value their methodical, structured approach.


Well organised, dependable and reliable, they will be trusted to see tasks through to the end. Known for their sound grasp of fundamental concepts and principles, colleagues will respect their ability to approach problems in a systematic, orderly and logical manner. However, more down-to-earth colleagues, who are less interested in the subtle nuances of a problem, may sometimes worry that they may lose sight of practical, day-to-day realities. Committed, co-operative, and happy to oblige, they will be respected for their ability to persevere with tasks that require attention to detail. However, if others take unfair advantage of their genuine offers of help, this may generate feelings of resentment. Perceptive and sensitive to othersĀ¹ needs, they will be viewed as thoughtful, considerate and understanding. However, their egalitarian style and desire to manage by consensus, may sometimes be misinterpreted as indicating an inability to take difficult, unpopular decisions.