
Psytech believe that your choice of tests should be based on an informed review of all the technical evidence supporting the test's use. To this end, Psytech are the only test publisher who makes all technical manuals, and otehr test related samples available as a free download. This enables you to evaluate the merits of Psytech tests at your leisure and compare these with alternative instruments.
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- The JTI Technical Manual
Hippocrates postulated four basic temperamental types: sanguine; choleric; melancholic and phlegmatic. This typology persisted for many centuries; for example the philosopher Immanual Kant (1798) based much of his psychology on this theory of four psychological types.....
- The JTI Sample Report
The report below is presented firstly in terms of Sandy Sample's scores on the four main dimensions of the Jung Type Indicator. The report then considers a number of different aspects of Sandy Sample's approach to tasks and situations at work.....
- The JTI Fast Facts
Developed as a modern alternative to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator this test assesses personality within the framework of Jung’s type theory of personality. By providing a readily accepted and non-threatening framework for addressing work, interpersonal, management and teamwork issues, it is ideal for individual assessment and development, career counselling, team-building and organisation development.....